Sunday, March 18, 2012

Season 2

Unexpectedly, it's mid-March and very unseasonably warm.  Michigan usually has at least 3 more weeks (usually more!) of cold and snowy punishment for all the summer sin we northerners got into last year. It's been a very strange winter anyway, and then about two weeks ago it just randomly became spring-like.  When we put the Vette away for the winter back in November I had every intention of not bringing it back until the first week of May, and I was totally okay with that until about two days ago.  Two days ago I got out of the gym, rolled down the window of my regular car, and stuck my arm out in the breeze.  And then I thought of Stella.  Once that happened the beautiful sunshine and the warm breeze killed me slowly, hour after hour, until I knew I couldn't waste another single nice day hanging my arm out the window of any normal car.

It might snow again, but who gives a shit?  I miss my beautiful car and this kind of weather is what she was built for.

So today Mike brought Stella home from Steve's garage, where she's been safe from the harsh elements for over 4 months.  It's probably premature, but I'm not going to complain about an extra month of Corvette therapy.  I pulled into my parking lot, saw her parked in our (new!) carport and instantly got a shit-eating grin on my face.  It's simply incredible how much I missed her.

We went for a drive and I was reminded of all my favorite parts.  The engine start up, and the growling noise it makes while idling at a red light (much smoother, I'm proud to add, since we dropped a new engine inside). The way it jumps when you stamp down on the accelerator when the light turns green.  The whoosh of the enormous fan in front of the engine, which can be heard over it all when you go a little too fast. ;)  The heads she turns each time we take her out. The smell of leather, heat and exhaust.  Over the winter while I worked on the scrapbook my sister gave me, Mike had brought several receipts from inside the glove box which smelled like that.  I remember smelling them over and over, taking myself back to moments like today.  Moments which I couldn't have until warmth returned.

And I was happy.  So, so happy.

As usual, we've made lofty plans for season two.  We've saved money all winter and hope to replace the seat belts and the transmission.  We also want to repair the leak in the brake line.  Once that leak is gone, and the transmission is replaced, we will have stopped all fluid leaks.  That doesn't seem like a big deal, but to me the idea of a 36 year old car not leaving a drop of oil, coolant, or brake fluid behind on the ground is an achievement.  It's like coming to a milestone and looking back at the distance you've crossed.  Stuff like that makes me feel so good about it all.  Just like when I admire the smooth, flawless grumble of the engine since we've replaced it--so much better than before.  Slowly, slowly, we're making a difference--making her better.

I have a little photo shoot with Stella currently in the works. I KNOW THAT'S CRAZY.  But whatever. :D

1 comment:

  1. Hey, doesn't she have an anniversary with you coming up? Or did we already pass it??
