Saturday, June 9, 2012

Everybody Loves Stella

We finally got Stella back after three stressful weeks at the shop.  The list of parts which were required to fix the rear wheel and surrounding mechanisms was lengthy and sad. The mechanic replaced the right wheel bearings, spindle, knuckle, outer side U-joint, bolt at the bottom of knuckle, right rear caliper, rear brake pads and rear rotors.  Wow.  I can't believe that this poor car drove us as far as she did with so little to work with. The shop, which I spent much of the three weeks bitching about to anyone who would listen, ended up shaving more than $600 worth of labor off our final bill.  Why? I like to think it's because  they like us (or feel sorry for us!), but probably it's because they know they aren't finished with Stella yet. ;)

We found her parked just outside, filthy dirty, with hardly any coolant left in her radiator and a dead battery.  Mike tried valiantly to jump her (see below) but there simply wasn't enough juice to get her going, so we had to recharge.  For an hour we sat next to her in the sweltering heat, waiting patiently for her battery to charge on the pavement outside. We finally got her back on the road and home safely, though her engine started heating up near the end from lack of coolant.  I feel like she's hurt bad, but at least she's home safe with me now.

This repair is only outdone by the total engine replacement which took place last year in August.  At that point we had only owned Stella for about three months or so, and everyone thought we were nuts (some even told us so!).  Much to my honest surprise, this time around was much different.  During my brief moments of doubt, the moments when I seriously considered the possibility that I wouldn't be able to continue rehabilitating this car, every single person I confided in told me I should keep her.  Every single one. Friends, family and coworkers alike seemed distraught that I was even entertaining the idea of selling her now, after all we'd been through together.  My mother, whose looming judgement once almost scared me away from buying Stella in the first place, said it best:

"Right now you should enjoy whatever Stella has in her to give you.  Continue making her better so she'll one day be able to give you more."

Somewhere along the way, and somehow without me noticing at all, people fell in love with Stella.  I guess it wasn't just my life she changed forever.



  1. How can you not love Stella? I mean...Its like impossible.

  2. I thought maybe I was just biased ;)

  3. Well, you are....but that doesn't make you wrong. :-)
