Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stella Gets Admired

Few things make me happier than to see other people enjoying Stella the way I enjoy her.  

These pictures were taken at my coworker Chris's house one night when he had us over for a BBQ dinner.  As we were leaving Chris came out to see the car and the whole group followed us outside, crowding around Stella and admiring her.  We offered to give Chris a ride (which he accepted without hesitation) and while Mike did the honors, all of his kids ran back to the house to grab their cameras so they could pose with the car when it came back.  I could only watch and laugh as they lined up in front of her one by one and then in groups, taking picture after picture.  I love stuff like that.  Not because watching people gawking at my car makes me feel badass (even though it does), but because I feel like Stella deserves it.  The more time I spend with her the more I feel like she's had a rough 35 years.  I don't want to drag race or go hot-rodding around, or stick a huge engine under the hood that will make her go 0 to 60 in less than 5 seconds.  I want to enjoy her, and I want others to enjoy her too.

I want people to see her as more than a car, more than a machine, but as a way to have fun and enjoy each other.  Something that can make the worst day blow off you in a minute, and make you smile each and every time you start it up.  Because it's not about the horsepower or the paint job, it's about the memories you make and the places those wheels take you.

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